Thursday, February 3, 2011

oh snow...

campus was finally reopened today, first time they've cancelled classes for three consecutive days because of weather.  so i thought i'd send a short note to the one i hate...

dear blizzard,
i hate you.  but thank you for showing me the light, i will move somewhere warm and never see your mean, punkass, suffocating self again.

hating you always,

ps - thanks for placing that ice in just the right spot so i would slip and fall in the parking lot, that slide was the best.  i needed that limp in my step too.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

yes, i know i'm a slacker...

i haven't posted anything in a while.  the holidays, winter break, all this stupid snow, and this week has been enough to make me drop everything where it is and peace out.  so there's not much to say except my dreams are weird, my goals are unattainable, boys and men are stupid, i'm tired of hearing "we'll figure something out" or "hang in there"... i'm not that damn cat hanging on a line.  so let's hope this semester ends well so if i have to quit school at least i can say that it wasn't because i failed.  i have succeeded a lot, just caught in an uncomfortable situation that is making my future a little more dim than i had hoped.  that is all for now....